
Represents a Space object



id (ID!)
assetIds ([ID!]!)
assets ([SpaceAsset!]!)
assignmentPlan (AssignmentPlan)

Assignment Plan where space info exists

bookings ([Booking])

List of bookings if space type is a hoteling desk

Argument Type Description
fromDate String
toDate String
calendar (CalendarGraph)
capacity (Int)
code (String!)
comment (String)
dailyBookableSpacesAvailability ([DailyBookableSpacesAvailabilityGraph])

List of hoteling and MeetingRoom bookings for a given period

Argument Type Description
fromDate String!
toDate String!
dailyBookingAvailability ([DailyBookingAvailability])

List of hoteling bookings for a given period

Argument Type Description
fromDate String!
toDate String!
density (Float)

Space density

department (Department)
description (String)
device (Device)
employee (Employee)
extAttributes (String!)
externalId (String)
floor (Floor!)
floorId (ID!)
floorPlanId (String!)
h (Int!)
interactiveMap (String)

Interactive map url

isBookable (Boolean)

Check if the space is of a bookable usage type

isBookableByEmployee (Boolean)

Check if the space is bookable by the employee

Argument Type Description
employeeId ID
isBookableUsageType (Boolean)

Check if the space usage type is bookable according to company setting

Argument Type Description
employeeId ID
legacyId (ID!)

Old version of that can be used for backwards compatibility of old space id graph

locationDesc (String)
mapUrl (String)

Map location url

measurements (Float)
meridianMap (IntegrationMapping)

References a integration mappings for this space

name (String)
nameDisplaySize (Int!)
neighborhood (Neighborhood)
sensors ([Sensor])

List of sensors

sharedEmployees ([Employee])
sourceAssignmentPlanId (ID)
spaceAssignment (SpaceAssignment)

Space assignment

Argument Type Description
assignmentPlanId ID
spaceId (String!)
spaceType (SpaceType)

Space type, example: cubicle, meeting room

Argument Type Description
assignmentPlanId ID
status (String)
tags ([Tag])
team (Department)
tickets ([Ticket])

Tickets associated with the space

usageType (UsageTypes)

Usage type of the space, example: primary seat, hoteling desk

Argument Type Description
assignmentPlanId ID
uuid (String!)
w (Int!)
workplaceGroup (WorkplaceGroup)
workplaceGroups ([WorkplaceGroup])
x (Int!)
y (Int!)