
Represents an Employee object



id (ID!)
acceptedTncAt (String)
assetIds ([ID!]!)
assets ([EmployeeAsset!]!)
badge (String)
bookingSchedules ([BookingSchedule])

Employee's recurring bookings

bookings ([Booking])

Hoteling desk bookings associated with an employee

Argument Type Description
fromDate String
calendarEvents ([CalendarEvent])

Calendar Events associated with an employee

Argument Type Description
fromDate String
company (Company!)
companyId (ID!)
context (String!)
costCenter (CostCenter)

Cost center an employee belongs to

deletedAt (String)
department (Department)
departmentAdmins ([Department_Admin])

Employee's department administrators

departmentId (ID)
dept (Department)

Department an employee belongs to

device (Device)

Device associated with employee

doNotCountAsUnallocated (Boolean)
email (String)
employmentType (String!)
endDate (String)
exemptFromCheckIn (Boolean)
extAttributes (String)

Employee's external attributes

externalId (String)
firstName (String)
geoLocation (GeoLocation)
geoLocationId (String)

Employee's geo location id

hidden (Boolean)
hints (String!)
imported (Boolean!)
initialAssignmentImported (Boolean!)
isRemote (Boolean)
lastName (String)
location (String)
locationAdmins ([Location_Admin])

Location admin associations

manager (Employee)
managerId (ID)
name (String)
neighborhoodSpaceAssignment (SpaceAssignment)

Employee's space assignment

Argument Type Description
assignmentPlanId ID
neighborhoods ([Neighborhood])

Neighborhoods an employee belongs to

noDeskNeeded (Boolean)
note (String)
pastBookings ([Booking])

Past bookings associated with an employee

Argument Type Description
fromDate String
pastCalendarEvents ([CalendarEvent])

Past Calendar Events associated with an employee

Argument Type Description
fromDate String
phone (String)
preferredLocations ([GeoLocation])

Employee's preferred locations

reportingTo (String)
role (String)

Employee's role, e.g, Viewer, Admin, IT, or Dept Admin

secondarySpaceAssignments ([SpaceAssignment])
Argument Type Description
assignmentPlanId ID
slackHandle (String)
spaceAssignment (SpaceAssignment)

Employee's space assignment

Argument Type Description
assignmentPlanId ID
startDate (String)
subCostCenter (CostCenter)

Sub-cost center an employee belongs to

tags ([Tag])

Tags associated with an employee

team (Department)

Team an employee belongs to

tickets ([Ticket])

Maintenance tickets created by an employee

title (String)
user (User)

returns User record associated with Employee

uuid (String!)
workplaceGroup (WorkplaceGroup)

First workplace group

workplaceGroupIds ([ID!]!)
workplaceGroups ([WorkplaceGroup!]!)