
Represents a floor object



id (ID!)
areaSize (String)
assetIds ([ID!]!)
assetVersion (FloorAssetsVersion)
Argument Type Description
assetVersionId ID
assetVersions ([FloorAssetsVersion]!)
assets ([FloorPlanAsset!]!)
bookingWorkdayTimeFrom (String)
bookingWorkdayTimeTo (String)
building (Building)

Building the floor belongs to

cache_spaces ([Space])

Spaces located on a given floor

Argument Type Description
assignmentPlanId ID
canBook (Boolean)
Argument Type Description
date String
endDate String
startDate String
capacity (Int)
code (String!)
contract (Contract)

Specific contract associated with the floor

Argument Type Description
contractId ID!
contracts ([Contract])

Contracts associated with the floor

enforceQrCode (Boolean)
hidden (Boolean!)
interactiveMap (String)

Interactive map url

isDefault (Boolean!)

If Floor was added to Default, return true

isFavorite (Boolean!)

If Floor was added to favorites, return true

map (FloorPlanAsset)

Map of a given floor

mapCad (FloorPlanAsset)

Map cad of a given floor

mapH (Int!)
mapObjects (MapObjects)

Map objects located on a given floor

mapW (Int!)
meridianMap (IntegrationFloor)

References a Meridian map for this floor

name (String!)
notifications (NotificationConnectionWithTotal)
Argument Type Description
after String

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

before String

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

first Int

Returns the first n elements from the list.

last Int

Returns the last n elements from the list.

printableQrCodeUsageTypes ([String]!)
rentableArea (Int)
safeDistance (Float!)
scale (Float)
spaces ([Space])

Spaces located on a given floor

Argument Type Description
assignmentPlanId ID
story (Int!)
tickets ([Ticket])

Tickets associated with the floor

url (String)

Url associated with a given floor

Argument Type Description
style String
usableArea (Int)
uuid (String!)