
Represents a Booking object



id (ID!)
autoReleasedAt (String)
bookedBy (User)
bookingSchedule (BookingSchedule)

Schedule a booking belongs to

checkedIn (Boolean!)
date (String)

Date a hoteling desk is booked on

deletedBy (User)
employee (Employee)

Employee associated to booking

endDate (String!)
endTime (Time)

Detailed End Time associated to booking

healthCheck (BookingHealthCheck)

location health check group

isCurrentUserLocationAdmin (Boolean)

Is current LocationAdmin manage booking's floor

isManagable (Boolean)

Specifies whether current user can manage this booking

isSystemDeleted (Boolean)
note (String)
passedHealthCheck (Boolean)
space (Space)

Space a booking is associated

startDate (String!)
startTime (Time)

Detailed Start Time associated to booking

withinCapacityLimit (Boolean)

Useful for determining if a booking was unsuccessful based on location capacity