
Move Orders Import history



move_order_import_versions (MoveOrderImportVersionConnection)
Argument Type Description
after String

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

before String

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

events [MoveOrderImportEvent]!
first Int

Returns the first n elements from the list.

last Int

Returns the last n elements from the list.


id (ID!)
assignmentPlan (AssignmentPlan)

Move order import assignment plan

createdAt (String)
createdCount (Int!)
failed ([MoveOrderImportFailed])
failedCount (Int!)
importType (String)
importedBy (String!)
mapping (String)
progress (ImportProgress)
source (String)
status (String!)
totalCount (Int!)
updatedCount (Int!)
url (String)

Import csv file url

uuid (String!)